
Special Needs Ryan Gosling

   So if you have never heard of the blog Adventures In Extream Parenthood you should check it out! She is really funny & one of the staples is Ryan Gosling photos with little tid-bits of special needs parenting inspiration on them just for you moms! People like to give it a try & make their own then send them over for the rest of the community to look at so I thought, what the heck! I'm sure Ryan has something he could say to me to get me through a rough day! Anyway, check out mine then head over to check out the blog at Extream Parenthood!


  1. This is AWESOME! I absolutely love it!

  2. Totally awesome! This a good one!

  3. HAHAHAHA! It's great to see a guy doing this meme!

    I'm a new follower!

  4. heehee..
    pretty sure my husband wonders why his abs don't look like that either ;)

  5. Fanflippingtastic post! Loved the iphone app abs bit. :)

  6. I think Ryan's appeal transcends sexual orientation. But I'm a hetero chick, so what do I know.

  7. Oh my!! **wipes tears**

  8. Needless to say that I just stared at the picture for a good 10 minutes before I read it.

    And after I laughed, I just stared some more :D

  9. Yes! So, so, so funny! I'll be sharing this with my husband!

  10. Thanks so much for all the comments everyone & thanks to all the new followers! I'm sure you will see more of these, thanks to Sunday over at Extreme Parenthood

  11. Really, it is such a workout!


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