
Autistic Botany {Lets grow it, but I don't want to eat it! Gross!}

     For our science we have started to learn about Botany & everything plant/tree related.  Jayden seems to be really into it.  Since it went so well I thought what better way to learn about the process from start to finish than to start from a seed, grow a tomato, harvest it, & then make a bit of ketchup {since eating tomatoes is out of the question!} I did bend a bit after thinking it through since I have more of a black death man thumb than a green thumb so we bought a small plant instead of starting from a seed. To get the feel of starting from a seed we got some mammoth sunflower seeds.  Since what ever Jayden does the other two want to do as well we got Zion a small strawberry plant & Dean got the mammoth sunflower seeds. I figure the tomato & strawberry plants we can bring in at night & the sunflowers, well those things will grow like crazy no matter what so we should be set! I thought, after all is said & done Ketchup or Pizza Sauce might be best since Jayden is dead set against eating a tomato although I do have my fingers crossed that since he is growing it himself I might be able to get him to try one bite. Hey, a dad can dream can't he!

70-85 Days Til Maturity Sounded Like Forever!

Learning About Potting Soil

Taking New Textures Like A Champ!!

Yes, I made sure I read the directions so this doesn't end up like when I tried to grow a Chia Pet!

Doin' Man Work! Getting Dirt Under Our Nails!

Surgical Transplant!

Behold! Tomato Plant!

Dean's Sunflower Seeds

Dean gave his seeds one last "You Can Do It!"

This kid does not like to get dirty!

Now We Wait!

Zion's Official Stink Eye! "You better Grow...Or Else!"

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