Sh*@ Happens! {Special Needs Ryan Gosling}

     So I missed last weeks Special Needs Ryan Gosling because of all the crazy taking place around here but today I'm back on track! If you have no clue what I'm talking about then you should head over to Sunday Stilwell's Adventures In Extreme Parenthood to see what all the fuss is about & read all the awesome SNryangosling stuff that other bloggers link up! If you are a new visitor don't forget to come see me over at Facebook & Twitter or even on Instagram.{username: adventuresinaspergers}


  1. LOL those are both very awesome! I hate vacuum cleaners- the noise is awful!!

  2. Love it!! And the irony-my daughter used to fall asleep to the sounds of the vacuum cleaner. She always did march to the beat of her own autism drum! Now the toilet flushing? That was and still is another story!


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