Call me Ishmael! Yesterday we came to find the Moby Dick for whom we have long searched, The IEP! Before Christmas we submitted the request & first round of paperwork for Jaydn's IEP. Finally we had the meeting yesterday afternoon, not as bad as I thought it would be. When we first started all of this I wasn't sure about the school testing him again & doing an evaluation. I guess it's my years in the medical profession but I took him to a Doctor, a Doctor that went to unimaginable amounts of school to be familiar with every aspect of a child's Psychology, how was this school going to test/evaluate my son!? The same school who when I asked about who to talk to at the first of the year as he was just diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome they told me to just bring his medicine to the office & drop it off!
Wait for it....Wait for it....I was wrong. That was hard! They were really good to him & understanding. I'm not saying we accomplished anything because I'm waiting to see if anything they do helps him. The most interesting part of the whole spill was the findings of their evaluation. He is in the second grade & he tested every subject at a higher level, some subjects on a 7th grade level. I was a happy camper to say the least, he still puts his pants & shirts on backwards pretty much every day before school but that's a whole
other post! All in all a pretty great deal! Now lets just see if their modifications help him at school.

I leave you with a few picks of our first dog walk! We bought new sunglasses just for the occasion & a new leash, it was pretty epic. So with Deano's little 4 wheeler, Zion holding the leash, & Jayden on his bike we trekked outdoors with out little asthmatic monsters for an attempt at being 'Normal'. We had a great time & had to run in for a breathing treatment or two but all in all it was a great time! As always, thanks for reading!
I love your pictures!! That was a great post too. I feel those same feelings...(except for the part about my years of medical experience...yea....I got none of that!!) I do wish that the elementary education teachers knew more about Aspergers. Someday.
ReplyDeleteHi. I'm new here and I love the postive tone of your blog. As for IEP's...I have a 14 year old with Autism and I still dread IEPs! We got an advocate when he was in 4th grade. It made a HUGE difference. I was able to just be a parent without worrying about all of the "legal" stuff. More was actually accomplished to help him be successful. The school is more willing to provide certain services, because they know that they have to. Sad but true. Hang in there!!