So, all three kids in school today, we took a 30 min trip up to Route 66 & just kept driving! Sometimes between the kids, the asperger's, the photography studio, the bills, & the 100's of other little odds & ends that is life you have to sometimes just jump in the car run away from everything even if it is just for 3 hours in the middle of the afternoon on a Tuesday. The little things like just driving through the middle of no where & not being sure exactly where you are but just going with it so we can just talk & joke & give each other crap, those are the things that you HAVE to do to keep you from a murder rap...okay may not exactly murder but as I'm sure allot of you know, when the stresses of everyday turn into the stresses of every week & that piles up on your shoulders...that can equal Mom & Dad at each other throats! We do a pretty good job of keeping things fresh but at the same time we are pretty sick & needy, really it's pathetic, I probably text Sam 50 time a day & sometimes we are in the same house! Most people would punch me in the nose for most of the things I say or do but somehow she finds it....okay so she probably wants to punch me in the nose but those other times she really likes me!
We ran up to POPS! If you have never heard of POPS it's so awesome, they sell over 5000 different kinds of soda pop in old school glass bottles that start at the floor & span all the way to the ceiling! It's pretty great & very vintage which is right up our ally. It was pretty great, but I already said that! So we loaded up on all different types, flavors, & colors of soda pop to use for props in some up coming photo shoots & then loaded up on some fun ones that we thought the kids would like. We pay, walk out to the car, get in & I pull out my vintage Dr. Pepper in a glass bottle made with real cane sugar, ooohhh yeah, when I realize....no bottle opener!
So I know, this has been an Aspie/Autism free blog. Anyway, after buying an $8 POPS bottle opener(I just swiped my card & walked out before looking down at the receipt!) then getting the kiddos from school, we all popped the tops & they boys clanked that bottles together saying 'Cheers!' All in all a pretty great day! Thanks for reading!
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