
Diary Of A Fat Dad {Wii Fit Called Me Fat Today!!}

     So I realized something a bit odd today. I'm freakin' fat! As I am rolling up on the "big" 30 birthday in April, that is not now near as old as I thought it was 10 years ago, I'm finding that my eating habits are not just catching up with me but jumping in a truck and running my fat ass over! Those frozen taquitos Wal-Mart sells are so good but at 500 calories for 4 of them& sometimes I can hang out watching TV while eating a plate of 8 with a Dr. Pepper. Dr Pepper is a massive amount of my problem I know, I can kill 4 or 5 cans this stuff every day! What a crappy doctor. Who knew I would gain 9.9 pounds in the last 30 days with these habits! WTF!?! I stepped on the Wii Fit & it said "oh!" & then you get into the work out to hear nothing but the animated trainer say stuff like "Havn't seen you in a while!" or "You seem a bit unsteady, maybe you should practice more often." There was one time I got on & my trainer didn't even show up! The video game girl who walks me through the exercises didn't show up & they guy says "Hi, your trainer couldn't make it today" Really!?! I'm so fat now the video game girl doesn't even want to waste her time with me!?! She has better things to do?

     I am sitting at a, plump in the middle, 183 lbs. as I type this. At 29 years old I'm now a human Oscar Meyer Weiner & I've started to plump as I'm being cooked. Really it’s just the middle that I am having a problem with! My face, arms, legs, & butt seem to me to be the same size as they have been the last year. That’s right I took a peek at my butt & no with wasn't pleasant& no that’s not because of its size but that a whole other blog! (Gross, sorry that sounded worse than it is but really don't look at my butt) Really though, my belly has just went straight out! It's like my chest goes straight down then BAM!!! It's time for maternity pictures!

     I don't remember if I have put it out here yet but not too long ago I was given the gift of Kidney Disease! It sucks & it was a bit scary but I'm okay with it. Translation is: Get in shape + be healthy = drastic decrease in the chances I will be blogging about dialysis & holding blog give-a-ways for the chance to donate your kidney to me! So look for updates as I work on making myself not so gross, share your stories, get off your butt & get some of that extra padding worked off or don't & just read about me doing it. Either way thanks for stopping by my blog! 

1 comment:

  1. I have to say I'm laughing WITH you. My phone just pinged me and it was Map My Fitness telling me how much it missed me! Guess that means I need to get off the couch and hit the pavement.


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