So yes, the title above seems at first to be counter intuitive but I promise its not….at least most of the trip! If you are a reader you know Samantha & I run a small photography studio as well as my regular job stuck in the back of an ambulance as an EMT. That makes for very busy days so when we see a weekend that has nothing lumped into it what do we do? We cram a mini vacation into it! Cause that will be stress free right? Yeah. A month or so ago our photography studio was featured on
Seize The Deal, it’s kind of like Groupon, since then we get the e-mails on the deal of the day. I saw a deal for the Museum of Osteology that had 4 tickets for $20 so I jumped on it. We decided to make a weekend out of it & hit up the Oklahoma Science Museum as well. I did some checking and found a hotel with a kids splash pool in downtown Oklahoma City; slides, water shoots, umbrella run offs, its was awesome!

We started off at the Museum of Osteology. It’s kind of new in Oklahoma City & we had not known much about it but as I’m sure any parent can tell you, especially a parent of an Aspie, when something is awesome its not just awesome its AAWWEESSOOMMEE!! So needless to say it was great, they have two floors of nothing but bones. I thought the monkeys, Whale, Rhino, or Kangaroo would be the massive it but no! The big hits were:
1. The Dogs! That’s right, not the exotic African ant eater skeleton but the Doberman that still had a spiked collar on.
2. The Raccoon Skeleton Eating Milk Duds! We spent an unimaginable amount of time looking at this skeleton with it’s hand stuck down into the milk dud box. They laughed harder & retold this story more than any sponge bob or Mario Brothers conquest they have ever had!

After that adventure & about $25 worth of toys that we could have got from the quarter machine in front of wal-mart we headed on our way. I say that last statement but it was a rare archaeological find when we put water in the cup with the volcano & the eruption uncovered a T-Rex! Our minds we collectively blown! When we got the the Science Museum we caught the Science Live show where the Scientist blows things up for the kids so that was pretty cool even for dad! In the end, just like my boys, I’m a sucker for the pure entertainment of blowin’ stuff up! OH YEAH! Trains, planes, mirrors, space ships, & back to the hotel for some swimming & a high class dinner of PaPa John’s & Push Pops!

All in all it was pretty stress free, I’m not sure if we are the only ones out there that have this problem but it seems like when we go places the Aspie he is the only one who DOESN”T have melt downs. Mostly because we make sure he’s in the right enviroment but don’t get me wrong we deal with over stimulation all the time but melt downs are the other two’s specialty & they are NTs! I call it terrible 2′s but they are three & five so I’m not sure if they just havn’t gotten the memo to grow out of it yet or what. Anyway, they can be stressful at times but the beauty of a mini vacation like this is that (sorry for the word usage!) “if shit goes bad” you can always just run home! We didn’t even tell anyone we are going so if that happens we don’t have to explain to 20 people “What happened?” I know there are parents out there who know what I’m talkin about! Family or friends that take the Autism pill with a 10 grains of salt instead of 1 & pretty much just think its a spoiled kid or an over reacting parent. Lets not even get started on that subject! Ha Ha, that’s a WHOLE other blog! Well thanks for reading, I’ll post a few more pics from our little trip down below! Please check back & if you have not already LIKE me on
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Twitter! Thanks again for reading! Comment, Share, E-mail, Whatever!
Good post. I am on the way home from a mini vacation with my Aspie son. Wait times - the car and to the museums - were REALLY hard. Could not imagine taking more than a 3 day vacation 3 hours from home!!!