
4 Cartoon Characters I'm Pretty Sure Have Autism!

1. Max from Max & Ruby: For the longest time my main thought about Max & Ruby has been; Where are their parents!?! After watching several episodes with my four year old recently I realized that Max may just have ASD. Repetitiveness, only semi-verbal, & a lot of times Ruby likes to point out that he is inappropriate.

2. Ferb Fletcher of Phineas & Ferb:  I don't even have to get past the intro song to make a case for this one! Building a rocket, Creating nanobots, Discovering something that doesn't exist, Or giving a monkey a shower! Phineas has a lot of great ideas but Ferb is the one who makes it all happen. Rarely do you see a smile, frown, or even hear this little guy speak. 

3. SpongeBob Square Pants:  There is only one way to do anything with Spongebob! Social Q's? Whats that?  Squidward's sarcasm flys right by him! Last but not least, ask this kid about Jelly Fishing or being a Fry Cook & see the wealth of knowledge that flows out of his mouth, special interests much?

4. Schroeder from Peanuts:  Okay, so my kids are really not into
Charlie Brown but knowing now what I know after having a son with Asperger's I'm going to have to call out Peanuts on Schroeder! Not a lot of eye contact, not a lot of small talk, just him with his beloved piano & sheet music.  


  1. I just discovered your blog on MyAutismTeam. I love this post! I'm Aspie...no wonder I love all of these characters so much. Ha!

  2. This blog is great source of information which is very useful for me. Thank you very much.

  3. I always thought Harold from "Harold and the Purple Crayon" fit the bill too. My aspie artist daughter has always identified with him!

  4. I can't help but think that Lemongrab from 'Adventure Time' is probably an Aspie, too. I mean, think about it! There're so many signs!:
    He likes everything to be in order.
    He's only used to one way of thinking (his 'Lemon styles', as he calls them), doesn't understand any other way of doing things and refuses to try to learn any other way.
    He doesn't really know how to act around other people.
    He can be rather hard on himself and feels he's alone in the world and no one understands him.
    He doesn't like to be touched.
    He doesn't like spicy foods, or foods with a very strong taste. (This could be a factor because, in some extreme cases of Asperger's or Autism, the person effected can have heightened or lowered senses.)

    See what I mean?

  5. Pinky and the Brain!


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